Monday, July 9, 2012

numbers and you

I watched the movie 1408 over the weekend. It wasn’t extraordinary, but it did exceed my expectations. I even shed a tear once or twice throughout the film!

The movie is about an author, who specializes in the paranormal, who decides to stay in a supposedly haunted hotel room for one night so he can write about his experience.

The room, 1408, is on the 13th floor (it’s numbered the 14th floor, but physically it is the 13th floor). Notice that room numbers add up to 13 as well: 1+4+0+8=13.

I won’t spoil the fun, in case you decide to watch the movie. I will say that King’s (the movie is based on a novella by Stephen King) play on numbers got me to thinking about the significance of numbers in our lives. It’s a concept that has been swimming around in my mind a lot lately.

You see, for as long as I can remember, my favorite number has been 22. There is no real reason for this. I’ve just always loved it. My birth date is 2/12/82—lots of 2’s—so maybe that’s why.

Anyhow, my husband’s “favorite/lucky” number has always been 11. My husband was captain of his hockey team in high school, and 11 was his assigned number. Now, get this…22 was his best friend’s jersey number (also my lucky number!). My husband’s best friend committed suicide almost 17 years ago, long before my husband and I met.

Matt, my husband, and  I met in a general AOL chat room in 2005. We were living in different states at the time. His AOL account was created on 2/12/2005 (remember, 2/12 is my birthday!). My AOL account was created on 1/11/2004 (remember, his lucky number is 11!)—exactly 1 year, 1 month, 1 day before he created his account. Feeling any goosebumps yet? There’s more.

Matt and I had our first child in 2010. Evan was due in December, but my water broke 10 days early. Evan was born on 11/22/2010. Again, there are those numbers…11 and 22. I am also fairly certain my husband's best friend committed suicide on 11/22 (I still need to confirm that).

What, if anything, does it all mean? I think about it a lot. I feel a deep connection to my husband’s friend, even though we’ve never met and never will meet.

I started to do a little research on ‘psychic numerology’ and I discovered something known as the “life path number.”

You can calculate your LPN by adding your birthday together, until you are left with one [1] number.

For example, my birthdate is 2/12/1982, which adds up like this: 2+1+2+1+9+8+2=25=2+5=7

My number is 7. According to, here’s what that says about my intrinsic nature/character:

LEARNING. The Life Path of seven [7] is one of gaining and seeking knowledge. You can absorb many things and your quest for knowledge can lead you into some interesting situations. You have strong insight and can use it wisely in times of making decisions. When your interest is held, it may be difficult to drag you away from what you are doing. You are a natural peacemaker, and your skills come in handy when you are dealing with disagreements. Your dreams can give you direction in life, especially if there is some inner guidance to create growth.

Water (I'm an Aquarius-water sign!), direction, decisions, pathways, knowing, learning, seeking, poetry, music, isolation, ancient, thought, technology, imagination, mythology.

Considering I’m an educator and writer and that my whole life revolves around learning, I’d say this description is pretty accurate!

It’s your turn. What is your number? What does that say about you? You can refer to these links to help you out:

Do you agree with your LPN? Why or why not?

26 things

I got this idea from one of the blogs I follow, Carrots 'n' Cake. Here it is...26 things I enjoy in life—from A to Z

A - Arugula. I was afraid to try it at first, but wow...I much prefer it to spring mix!

B - Barnes & Noble. I love sitting in the cafe, just flipping through tabloids and fashion mags.

C - Candy. My current fragrance obsession.

D -David Cook. Check out his pre-Idol, self-recorded album, Analog Heart - AMAZING!

E - Evan. I <3 that little boy!

F - Flatirons. Changed my life.

G - Graham's 318. Favorite coffee shop.
 H - Horror movies. Especially cheesy "B movies."

I - Ice hockey. Go Blackhawks!

J - Jukeboxes. They make me giddy.

K - Kisses. My heart melts when Evan leans in for a smooch.

L - Learning. Duh, I'm a teacher :)

M - Matt. My love.

N - Naps. Wish I could take one right now!

O - Oceans. Having grown up in Florida, I miss living near water (Sorry, Lake Michigan just doesn't do it for me).
P - Pedicures. Always in some shade of pink.

Q - Quilts. I wish I knew how to make them!

R - Rings. Favorite type of jewelry.

S - Swimming. I used to swim competitively - it's the best form of exercise!

T - Thrift stores. I got most of my maternity clothing from Goodwill!

U - U2. I just love music, in general - everything from alt rock to country. Especially live music. I'm itching to go to another concert soon.

V - The Vampire Diaries. Read the books in middle school. LOVE the show. Ian Somerhalder is yummy.

W - Wine. The hardest part about being pregnant is not being able to drink.

X - Xmas. yay presents!

Y - Yoga. Looking forward to trying hot yoga when I'm not pregnant anymore.

Z - Zoos. Especially the gorillas - I could watch them all day!