Monday, July 9, 2012

26 things

I got this idea from one of the blogs I follow, Carrots 'n' Cake. Here it is...26 things I enjoy in life—from A to Z

A - Arugula. I was afraid to try it at first, but wow...I much prefer it to spring mix!

B - Barnes & Noble. I love sitting in the cafe, just flipping through tabloids and fashion mags.

C - Candy. My current fragrance obsession.

D -David Cook. Check out his pre-Idol, self-recorded album, Analog Heart - AMAZING!

E - Evan. I <3 that little boy!

F - Flatirons. Changed my life.

G - Graham's 318. Favorite coffee shop.
 H - Horror movies. Especially cheesy "B movies."

I - Ice hockey. Go Blackhawks!

J - Jukeboxes. They make me giddy.

K - Kisses. My heart melts when Evan leans in for a smooch.

L - Learning. Duh, I'm a teacher :)

M - Matt. My love.

N - Naps. Wish I could take one right now!

O - Oceans. Having grown up in Florida, I miss living near water (Sorry, Lake Michigan just doesn't do it for me).
P - Pedicures. Always in some shade of pink.

Q - Quilts. I wish I knew how to make them!

R - Rings. Favorite type of jewelry.

S - Swimming. I used to swim competitively - it's the best form of exercise!

T - Thrift stores. I got most of my maternity clothing from Goodwill!

U - U2. I just love music, in general - everything from alt rock to country. Especially live music. I'm itching to go to another concert soon.

V - The Vampire Diaries. Read the books in middle school. LOVE the show. Ian Somerhalder is yummy.

W - Wine. The hardest part about being pregnant is not being able to drink.

X - Xmas. yay presents!

Y - Yoga. Looking forward to trying hot yoga when I'm not pregnant anymore.

Z - Zoos. Especially the gorillas - I could watch them all day!

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